Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Former CPC student now in New York's high spaces

Megan with her concept of a childcare campus for UL.

Showing that an interest in architecture can take you to dizzying heights, a former CPC student is now working as an assistant project manager with a New York construction company that provides bespoke build solutions for prestige clients in the city that never sleeps, writes Brian Byrne.
Megan Carey was in the Class of 2017 at Cross and Passion College and subsequently took an Architecture course at the University of Limerick. In the middle of her studies she took time out to work full time with Karen Brownlee Architects in Grangebeg, maintaining that association when she went back to complete the degree course from which she graduated last August. "Having 18 months full time and 12 months part time with Karen gave me incredible hands-on professional experience in the field," Megan told the Diary

Subsequent to graduating, Megan was chosen to showcase her thesis work on Built Childcare Environments at the RIAI Student Awards in the RDS in October 2023. Her proposal envisaged a new interpretation for childcare in the University of Limerick, providing childcare space in a tree nursery nature environment, with an associated work hub for parents. "This provided insights into the design features that promote children’s learning and well-being," she says, "including the importance of developing a relationship with the natural landscape." 
Megan's RIAI Exhibition Board.

Chosen for its sustainability qualities, her overall thesis questioned the level of progression for working parents, especially mothers, and how former societal issues have affected the welfare of children in built childcare environments. "A sustainable and healthy approach to building our childcare is expressed through the use of natural materials such as Irish timber and hempcrete," she said in her proposition.
Shortly after that, Megan decided to move to the USA, heading to the famous ski resort of Killington in Vermont last December. Working as a graduate architect with construction company New World Developments, she helped with the design of a ski house which is slated for construction next year. "After spending the winter in Vermont, enjoying learning about the different building techniques due to climatic and topographic differences, I decided to make a change, and went to New York." 
She's now working with Highline Construction Group, a very successful full-service construction management and general contracting firm with projects in Manhattan’s most desirable landmark buildings as well as some of its most stunning modern towers. These include Central Park Tower at 217 West Street where apartments can cost in excess of $19 million. "I am very fortunate to be working on very beautiful high-end residential projects," Megan says. "I have gained exceptional experience, both on site and in the office. My time studying Architecture has opened up so many wonderful opportunities for me."
Even at this early stage of her career, her experiences are likely to be an inspiration to current students at CPC, to whom she will be making a presentation in the coming year for Eoghan O'Toole's Design and Communication Graphics (DCG) class. For pupils at her first Scoil Bhride school, Megan is also an example of there being no limits to successful futures.

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