Friday, May 31, 2024

Information Morning on Kilcullen Design Statement

A reminder that a drop-in Information Clinic about the Kilcullen Design Statement will be held tomorrow, Saturday 1 June, for those who would like to find out more about plans for its implementation, writes Brian Byrne.
The Clinic will be in the vacant shop premises beside Stina Flowers, and will run from 9.30am to 1.30pm. All are welcome to have a look and talk to Kilcullen Community Action members about the focus and reasons for the document.
The Design Statement was commissioned by KCA, and was launched just a year ago. Since then the voluntary community organisation has been working towards building momentum for implementation of some of the recommendations in the plan.
A number of people have already expressed interest in helping with the initiative, and further offers will be welcomed.
The full Design Statement can be accessed here, or click on the document's download panel to the right on the Diary page.

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