Saturday, March 02, 2024

It Says in The Bridge - March 2024

With this issue The Bridge turns into its 54th year, an achievement worth noting, writes Brian Byrne. There's no special celebration, just a lot of what makes the magazine, and the community, tick. Stories highlighted on this month's cover offer just a taste of that.
The recent Community Tree Planting Day that was part of the GAA's Field of Dreams programme is one of them. Leading to three colour pages inside that show what was a morning with a very festive feel, albeit with a considerable amount of mud involved. A photographic record of the recent very successful Lions Table Quiz is also previewed, while another contest, this time of the chess variety, in Scoil Bhride also gets front-page mention.
News items inside include a report on a recent meeting between business people from the area and two government ministers, the first public meeting in 2024 of KCA, and what's upcoming from Kilcullen Bridge Cinema. The Community Centre AGM also gets an appropriate space. There's also some detail about the upcoming two one-act plays being presented in the Town Hall Theatre on 21 March (and also on 23 March as we have subsequently been informed).
In the regulars, the KWWSPCA page sets dates for two of their upcoming regular fundraisers, Out and Away explores the new Sallins Greenway, and Billy Redmond recalls Custer and Crazy Horse. Clare Boyce is the 20 Questions subject, and a very interesting one, while Sean Landers continues his series on Sallymount House with the Cramer family. John Duffey recalls working with an election day returning officer in younger days.
The latest Seeking Brigid profile from Julie O'Donoghue is Sandra Santos, and Julie also takes a reversed view of Pride and Prejudice in the Creative Writers Group contributions, the other being thoughts on a Sunday Morning Run from Órla Ní Shéaghdha. Mary Orford discusses the tradition of memorial cards.
In sport stories, there's a GAA lookback at the recent Dinner Dance and Awards Night, a brace of Six Nations rugby connections with Kilcullen, and the Brigid 1500 Open Day at the pitch and putt club.
For the start of the 54th year, a fair bit of reading and Kilcullen happenings, and still just €2. 

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