Friday, January 05, 2024

Meeting planned on implementing Design Statement

Kilcullen Community Action is seeking interest from the community towards implementing the Kilcullen Design Statement which was published last summer, writes Brian Byrne.
Commissioned by KCA and prepared by The Paul Hogarth Company, the initiative was developed with a view to having a document to provide a locally-produced blueprint for how Kilcullen might develop over the next two decades, and the €22,000 cost was funded with the help of the Kildare Leader Partnership and grants from Kildare County Council through Cllrs Tracey O’Dwyer and Rob Power.
Following a series of public consultation initiatives, the report authors divided what is hoped to be the direction towards towards Kilcullen's future into four objectives, relating to Place, Future, Linkage and People.
Among the conclusions reached by the authors was that Kilcullen has the potential to be a leading example of how towns its size deal with the challenge of the global Climate and Nature crises. They also called for a record of Kilcullen's heritage assets to be compiled as a first step in preserving and enhancing the town's historic character.
The analysis also notes 'authenticity and sincerity' and an 'appetite for progress' among a list of 18 positive traits that Kilcullen possesses, making it a ‘confident, inviting town’ in their assessment.
KCA is planning a special meeting in February to plan for the implementation of the Design Statement, and has issued a public call that anyone with an interest in any particular parts of the plan to make contact with a member of the group.
The Design Statement is available online in full here.

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