Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Kilcullen 2024: more Wish Lists

On the riverbank for the 2010 inaugural Kilcullen River Festival.

The return of the Kilcullen River Festival is another of the wishes for the town in 2024, following our recent post on wish lists from various people, writes Brian Byrne.  That's the wish of Susan Langan of Cnoc na Greine, who emailed the Diary with the comment. “It was such craic and everyone came out,” she recalls. 
The Festival was first held in 2010, and the last one was in 2017. The Diary's full set of pictures of the 2010 event are here, and there'll be a smile or two for those who remember the good days. 
Meantime, also from Cnoc na Greine, Mark Reid would like to see a better bus service for the people of Kilcullen to Newbridge and Naas. "When I moved here in 2002 there was a much better service than there is now," he writes. "We have gone backwards. In both a climate and biodiversity emergency we should be looking to dissuade car usage not increase it."
Mark would also like to see a walking-cycling  greenway from Kilcullen to Newbridge along the Liffey. "People, including children, could safely cycle or walk to their neighbouring town and enjoy a natural car-free safe zone. Given the amount of fatalities on our roads it is what we need."
If you want to add your own wish list for Kilcullen in 2024, email

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