Thursday, January 18, 2024

Hardy Kilcullen film fans braved chill last night

A good crowd attended last night’s first screening of 2024 at Kilcullen Bridge Cinema, writes Teresa Nurse of the Kilcullen Lions Club. It wasn’t the full house of previously sold out shows, but a ‘half house’ of hardy and dedicated film fans turned up on a freezing January evening to see Raine Allen-Miller’s debut feature film, Rye Lane.  
Gary Collins (above) welcomed the audience and explained that the objective of Kilcullen Bridge Cinema is to bring well-known and lesser-known films like Rye Lane to audiences in Kilcullen. Gary promised a fun and enjoyable movie and audience reaction seemed to agree. It was an entertaining and quirky movie. Some attendees commented that the fast paced London dialogue was difficult to keep up with at times, but the strong, vibrant and almost psychedelic visuals more than compensated.
The Brigid 1500 Kilcullen Film Season begins on Tuesday January 30th. There will be a special launch event at 7.30pm with guest speaker Tracy O'Dwyer, and refreshments of wine, tea and coffee. The opening film is Herself, an Irish film starring Claire Dunne. 
The spirit of the film is self-help and fighting a system of callous bureaucracy. It is a compelling, uplifting drama and winner of many awards including Human Rights Film Award, Dublin International Film Festival 2020.

Tickets are €5 and are available in Woodbine Books and on Eventbrite. More information about activities at Kilcullen Bridge Cinema can be found on their Instagram.

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