Thursday, November 23, 2023

Photography Club 2024 Calendar launch

The Kilcullen Photography Club Calendar for 2024 will be launched this Saturday 10.30am in Woodbine Bookshop, writes Brian Byrne.
This is the 5th year of publication of a calendar by the club, and they are posted all over the world to family members and friends who might not be home for Christmas. The calendars will be on sale at €10 in Woodbine Books, Nolan's Butchers, the Christmas Market on 2 December, Kilcullen Parish Centre and from club members.
"Since we produced our first one in 2019, we have donated close on €5,000 from calendar sales to a variety of charities," says club secretary Dave Byrne. "If we say so our selves, this is the best yet,  something that lasts twelve months and each month has a beautifully composed photo by a member. Everyone is welcome to the launch and we would love to see people there for a chat."

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