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Tuesday, October 17, 2023

World Restart a Heart Day at Scoil Bhride

What better way to kick off Restart a Heart Day than a morning of CPR and AED training for Scoil Bhríde’s Sixth classes? writes Audrey Burke. We were so fortunate to have a fantastic group of Community First Responders (CFR) on site to bring us through this valuable training. 
Coming from all corners of Wicklow and Kildare, these CFRs volunteered their personal time to educate us on the procedures involved in administering CPR (Check, call, compress, shock), how to recognise if someone is having a stroke (FAST) and what to do in the event of someone choking. 
Having watched an informative instructional video from the Irish Heart Foundation, students then put their learning into practice. Each had a manikin to perform compressions on, using the interlocked hands technique. Students were also able to avail of the opportunity to attach the AED (Automated External Defibrillator) pads to the manikins and follow the instructions given. The instructors worked closely with children, guiding them in their efforts and answering any questions they had. 
We can’t thank John Fitzgerald and his team of volunteers enough for their time in sharing with us their skills, expertise and knowledge. While we all hope that we won’t need to act upon this training, there is no doubt that we are all now considerably more aware of what we can do in a potentially life threatening situation if it were to ever arise. Remember, Anyone Can Save a Life. 

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