Thursday, October 05, 2023

The Code of Saint Brigid for Kilcullen talk series

Images: The Saint Brigid Code, Eoghan Corry.

In the next of the series of talks on St Brigid in Kilcullen Town Hall, on Saturday 14 October, historian and travel writer Eoghan Corry will speak on The St Brigid Code, writes Brian Byrne. The event begins at 10am, and will be followed by the AGM of the County Kildare Federation of Local History Groups, hosts of the series.
In what will be a highlight talk in the series, the presenter delves into the iconography of Brigid down the centuries, and reports on his travels to other parts of the world where the saint is commemorated — including Lumiere near Lisbon where relics of Brigid are kept.

In addition to referencing and comparing the many biographies of a saint who possibly eclipsed St Patrick in her time, he will also look at how Brigid has been viewed in the much more recent 20th century.
The talk will also explore whether many stories and characteristics attributed to the saint are actually of more recent origin than generally accepted, including her reputed birthplace, the folklore of her magic expanding cloak, and whether the pagan Brigit in lore was actually inspired by the Christian saint and not the commonly believed reverse.
Attendance is free and open to all.

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