Saturday, September 23, 2023

Call for footpath obstacles to be dealt with

Images: Tracey O'Dwyer Facebook.

An appeal for funds to deal with uneven footpaths and other obstacles in Kilcullen has again been made, following a walk around the town by service users and helpers of KARE Kilcullen, writes Brian Byrne.
Cllr Tracey O'Dwyer accompanied the walk to mark Make Way Day, and experienced how simple things like brambles can catch a wheelchair user. "Some people also require support either side while walking," she noted, "and a combination of narrow paths and service poles can mean the support assistant can’t always adequately walk either side offering the required support."
Cllr O'Dwyer says she knows Kildare County Council is aware of the unevenness of the paths, and hopes that some funds can be allocated in 2024 to address the issue and make Main Street accessible to all.
"Investment in our paths is an investment in our community," she said. 

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