Friday, August 11, 2023

Talk on restoration of Mary Leadbetter home in Ballitore

Laura Bowen — Leadbetter home image courtesy of Google.

Local conservation architect Laura Bowen will give a talk in Ballitore Library next week on aspects of the historic building's repair and restoration, writes Brian Byrne.
The event, next Wednesday 16 August, beginning at 10am, is part of the County Kildare programme in National Heritage Week 2023. Other speakers will include Mario Corrigan, editor of the Annals of Ballitore — a compilation of 18th century writer Mary Leadbeater's diaries that cover the events of 1798.
Originally Mary Leadbeater's home where she was also the local post-mistress, a library was established there in 1976. There is also a museum in the building, which is currently being re-rendered with traditional hot lime. Next week's event will include a demonstration of that process, in the old Market House in Ballitore Square.

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