Tuesday, August 08, 2023

Next weekend needs planning

It's one of those short weeks to next weekend, when there's a lot happening, writes Brian Byrne. A bit of calendar planning might be in order.
While the start of National Heritage Week on Saturday 12th will offer a variety of go-to options in the wider area, the one for the children is the relaunch of the Valley Fairy Trail in Kilcullen itself. The full lineup of attractions there can be found here, with things magicking off at 2pm. In a nod to Heritage Week, as part of proceedings there will be a talk on the development of the Valley Park itself.
Sunday is particularly busy, with the celebration of Fr Gary Darby's Silver Jubilee at 11am Mass, the KWWSPCA Summer Bazaar in Athgarvan from noon, and then the 21st Mac & Norman's Vintage Rally coming through the town from around 1.15pm. In the late afternoon, for heritage and archaeological fans, a talk at 5pm in the Heritage Centre on New Pastures - Iron Age livestock and lifeways of the Irish Iron Age, is quite an attraction
Through the following week there's a lot in Kilcullen and across the county, for Heritage Week. We'll get to that next Monday. 
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