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Saturday, August 05, 2023

Looking Back: the 2003 Mac and Norman's Vintage Rally

With the 21st Mac and Norman's Vintage Rally ready for the off tomorrow week, Sunday 13 August, we look back 20 years here to the second run on 17 August 2003, writes Brian Byrne.
These pictures are enlarged from low resolution ones in my report of that event on KNN, the experimental online news service I set up with colleague Trish Whelan and which predated the Kilcullen Diary.
This run had some 40 vehicles — in later rallies the number climbed to more than 350 — and began in Brannockstown with the convoy driving to Carnalway, Kilcullen, up to Old Kilcullen and back to the Stray Inn at Brannockstown.
These pics, and apologies for the low quality, were taken in Kilcullen and at Old Kilcullen, and we're pretty sure will raise some tears of nostalgia. The full set can be viewed here.

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