Monday, June 05, 2023

Kilcullen is 'confident and inviting' - report

That Kilcullen is a ‘confident, inviting town’ is one of many strengths the community has, according to an analysis in the recently-published Kilcullen Design Statement, writes Brian Byrne.
Produced by The Paul Hogarth Company for Kilcullen Community Action, the analysis also notes 'authenticity and sincerity' and an 'appetite for progress' among a list of 18 positive traits that the town possesses.
Weaknesses noted include the level of ribbon development, traffic — especially the volume of HGVs —  and poor public transport. 
However, strengths and opportunities far outweigh the weaknesses and threats to Kilcullen as assessed by the consultants, who employed a range of events to engage with local feelings and wishes during the report's preparation. In excess of 700 responses were received during this process, which was extended and challenged by Covid restrictions.
Opportunities listed include the potential of the River Liffey, a revival of the stalled push to make the market square a pedestrianised focal point, and  increased town centre living space through turning defunct retail space into residential.
Among the perceived threats to an improved town are isolation of the elderly, and some degree of the town not meeting the recreational needs of teens or older people. This last can be balanced somewhat, however, by the existing good level of sports and social infrastructure.
Kilcullen also has form in preservation of architectural detail and heritage which could be part of a sustainable tourism attraction.
The 66-page report outlines a range of actions and priorities in what is designed to be a blueprint for Kilcullen's future and a 'touchstone' for any proposed private and local authority development.
The full document can be accessed here
The Diary will detail various parts of the report in future posts.

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