Wednesday, May 24, 2023

The Factory Girls are brilliant

If you haven't booked to see The Factory Girls in Kilcullen's Town Hall Theatre this week, you're potentially missing out a real drama treat, writes Brian Byrne. The performance by the Kilcullen Drama Group of the Frank McGuinness play is just bloody wonderful.
There are two men characters, but the predominant story is about the sisterhood in the Donegal shirt factory that's in financial trouble, where they face possible redundancy. It's a serious theme and played for that, but the characters of each of the women are brought out brilliantly by their actors, and even when they are conflicting with each other they're also laughing together and embracing the commonalities of their lives. The Donegal accents are wonderful, the timing of their banter superb, you just know that these Kilcullen women have been having a ball in rehearsals, and they're continuing to do so in performance.
The Diary could only stay for the first half last night, and the selection of photographs reflects that. But we'll definitely be returning for the rest of the show.
Get to Berney's Chemist quickly and book, 045 481497, if you don't want miss another, different, Kilcullen tour de force on the Town Hall stage.

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