Sunday, May 07, 2023

It Says in The Bridge: May 2023

A promise of an 'amazing' future for Cross and Passion College is the lead story this month, writes Brian Byrne. Based on an interview with CPC Principal Joe Leonard, the article looks forward to the construction of the new school buildings, planning permission for which was recently granted.
Amazing too, in a different context, are the prospects and timeline for the new GAA 'Field of Dreams', the subject of the centre spread just as the actual work on the site got under way this passed week. The challenge and costings are outlined in the piece, which seeks further support from individuals and businesses to help towards the million-euro project.
A fundraiser towards the cost of replacing the 'wretched' Boys School is the subject of Mary Orford's article, which looks back a hundred years to the 'Kilcullen Bazaar and Carnival' of 1923 for this, described as 'The Event of the Season'. It was deemed so important that it was advertised in the national as well as the local papers.
Looking back on the life and times of Billy Horan, a musician who has played at many a local fundraiser, is the first of a two-part series of Billy's memories, gathered in conversation with his son Alan. It is a local history in its own right.
Meantime, Billy Redmond is in historical form too, taking a trip back through some of his adventures as a member of the Irish Army, as always entertaining. Another regular columnist, Sean Landers, is trying to tease out the history of Dorcas House (how many readers even know where that is?).
Getting back to news of today, there's coverage of the recent Biodiversity Study launch, the judicial review granted to the Dunnstown campaigners, the cheque handover to the Kevin Bell Trust by the family of the late Jeremy Burke, and the shortlisting of Kalbarri Cookery School for a national award — you can still vote for them up to the end of May.
A feature on Kilcullen First Responders offers offers insights into why people decide to give back to their community in this way. There's a preview piece on the upcoming Kilcullen Drama Group presentation of The Factory Girls, and the 20 Questions focus is on Ray Kelly who still can't believe that he once jumped off a 150-foot high bridge 'with an elastic band tied around my ankles'.
The primary schools are busy in spring gardens and on the sports fields, Fr Gary looks through the month devoted to Mary, Mother of God, and Julie Felsbergs muses on Kings in spirit, monarchy, and name.
KCA news highlights the upcoming launch of the Kilcullen Design statement amongst other things in the very busy life of a group so committed to Kilcullen. Noel Clare's 'Out and Away' column this time re-lists all the places visited since the series began in 2017. And the Creative Writers Group are churning out poetry and prose.
And, as always, there's more. Usual outlets. Usual €2.

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