Saturday, March 11, 2023

Old Kilcullen Heritage Trail study on view today

A reminder that a drop-in meeting to consider feasibility proposals for an Old Kilcullen Heritage Trail will be held in St Joseph's NS Halverstown today, Saturday 11 March, writes Brian Byrne.
The event will run from 9am until 1pm and has been organised by Kildare County Council as an initial public consultation on the plans. The suggested trail will be based the old medieval roads in the area.
The Council commissioned Hayes Ryan Landscape Architects to prepare the study, following initiation of the project by the Old Kilcullen Area Community Association.
The project aims are to develop a safe 5km looped route, with universal access for people with disabilities where the gradient allows. The proposed trail will have viewing points to the ancient medieval Royal Site of Knockaulin (Dun Ailinne), The Curragh, The Hill of Allen, The Dublin and Wicklow Mountains and Mount Leinster.
It is envisaged also that links to the historic features within the area of Old Kilcullen will be part of the development. The plan provides for the potential to extend links along back roads to Yellow Bog and The Curragh.
Following the 11 March drop in event, the study will be finalised and submitted to the Department of Rural Affairs. The study is being funded under the Department's Outdoor Recreation Grant Scheme and was announced in 2021.
Further public comment will be available during any subsequent planning permission process.
(This post first published 01 March 2023.)

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