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Tuesday, February 07, 2023

Twinning meeting tonight

Members of the Kilcullen and St Contest Twinning Committee in 2019.

A reminder that a meeting of the Kilcullen Twinning Group will be held tonight in Fallons Snug, starting at 8pm, writes Brian Byrne. All are welcome.
The group will be developing plans for a visit to St Contest in Normandy, France, to complete a process which was begun in 2019 but stalled with the pandemic.
At that time a delegation from St Contest visited Kilcullen and signed a Twinning Charter. The postponed reciprocal visit by a Kilcullen delegation is now planned for the end of April.
Recent Zoom discussions have taken place between the twinning committees in both towns, and the Kilcullen committee is asking for expressions of interest from individuals and organisations in the town who might like to get involved in the initiative.
The twinning will provide many opportunities for both sides over coming years, for exchanges on several levels, and that it will especially benefit young people who want to do some exchange travel.

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