Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Community Text Alert upgrading to new app system

The Community Text Alert operated in Kilcullen and surrounding areas will soon be upgraded to work via an app that acts as a community social network, writes Brian Byrne.
The Cairde app has been developed for Muintir na Tire, which promoted the text alert schemes throughout the country for many years, including the Kilcullen one.
As well as offering an easy way to alert neighbours and friends to incidents in the community, Cairde has a monitored panic button which allows the user to call trusted friends or family members, and the Gardai, to provide help when needed.
The app also has a property logging feature for the individual user, where they can save details of valuable items so that if stolen the information can be quickly given to the Gardai.
The Kilcullen Community Text Alert group will be providing full details of the transfer to the system shortly.

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