KCC Grant schemes now open
Kildare County Council Grant Schemes for Community, Festival, and Residents Associations are now open for application.
Links to the guidelines and application are as follows.
Community Grants, open to all groups engaged in activities or projects which encourage community participation, volunteerism and which benefit communities in County Kildare.
Festival Grants, open to all voluntary groups which organise and run key festival events in County Kildare, such as community fun days, historical re-enactments, drama/musical/food festivals, intercultural days or annual parades.
Residents’ Association Grants (Local Authority Estates) for the purpose of open space maintenance.
Residents’ Association Grants (Other Estates) for the purpose of open space maintenance.
An online application system is in place for these applications. If you previously applied through the online system, please use the same e-mail and password this year. To view an online guide to the application system, please click here.
E-mail and telephone assistance are available via grants@kildarecoco.ie and (045) 980538. Applications will be accepted until Friday 10th March 2023.
In-person and online grant information sessions will take place on Tuesday 31st January and Wednesday 15th February 2023 respectively. Please save the dates and follow Kildare PPN for registration details.
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