Sunday, December 18, 2022

Very successful Lions Christmas Whist Drive

Kilcullen Lions Club
was delighted with the turnout for our Christmas Whist Drive on Thursday night, writes Siobhan Tutty-Bardon. Despite the extremely cold and foggy weather there was a great turnout. Refreshments were provided on arrival to get everyone warmed up and in the Christmas spirit. 
There were spot prizes galore and as they say on the Late Late Show, there was “one for everyone in the audience”, so nobody went home empty-handed!
We would like to take this opportunity to thank those who turn out on the third Thursday of each month and to wish all a very happy, healthy and peaceful Christmas and New Year.
As is the case with every Lions Club event, all monies raised go to support good causes.
We look forward to seeing all our whist friends again on Thursday, 19th January.
Winners on Thursday night were as follows:
Top score: L. Heffernan; Top Lady: C. Browne; Top Gent: S. O’Reilly; 1st Half Lady: S.O’Reilly & S.Glynn; 2nd Half Lady: M. Clarke; 1st Half Gent: S. O’Connor; 2nd Half Gent: M. Hendy; Best Quarter: M. Deay.

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