Surprise presentation to Nessa Dunlea
Just before curtain up on last evening's final performance of 'For Better, For Worse', longtime Kilcullen Drama Group stalwart John Martin made a surprise presentation to Nessa Dunlea, in appreciation of her work with the group over many decades, writes Brian Byrne.
John gave a brief look-back over Nessa's contributions, from her first acting role in 'The Man from Clare' through her more recent performances in 'Lovers', 'Losers' and 'Les Mis'. "She has played many parts, including what she calls her 'giving out' roles," he recalled. ("Don't put me in a love scene, anyway!" Nessa interjected, to laughter.) "In particular, her performance in the one-act play 'The Workhouse Ward', where she was joined by Bernard Berney and Liam Walker, resulted in an All-Ireland winning production for Kilcullen."
Noting that Nessa has also worked diligently in behind the scenes contributions to the group, he emphasised that she was responsible for developing a close relationship between the Drama Group and the Town Hall Committee, 'to the benefit of both parties'. He made particular mention of the special expertise she had developed in selling raffle tickets at Town Hall Theatre events — "and you will all experience this during the interval".
"We owe a debt of gratitude to Pat Dunlea for creating this theatre and heritage centre, and we commend Nessa for her continuation of it. Her positive personality, her empathy with people, and her sense of humour mark her as a valuable asset to any community organisation."
He said the presentation represents the recognition by the Drama Group of Nessa's interest in, and active contribution to the dramatic in Kilcullen affairs over many, many years.