Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Santa gives Kilcullen a magical evening

So, as promised by Kilcullen Community Action, Santa arrived in fine Garda car style to the square this evening to count down the official lighting up of the Kilcullen Christmas Tree, writes Brian Byrne.
Driven by Garda Pauline, he admired the fine display of Christmas Lights all through the town, put in place after a lot of hard work by KCA volunteers and workers.
He was welcomed by KCA’s Eoin Houlihan, who told him that there are a lot of new lights this year thanks to the generosity of the community and the businesses in Kilcullen, as well the grant from Kildare County Council.
But most of all he was welcomed by many children of Kilcullen, whose parents had braved the Arctic chill (which Santa said he found was ‘quite warm’) to make the Christmas guy feel very welcome.
“Did you send your letter?” was his recurring question to the young people who were in no way awed to meet the man who was going to help make their upcoming Christmas one to truly remember. On the contrary, they had lots to say to him, one little boy in particular more than most.
About the letters — for those who hadn’t done so yet, Santa told them not to worry, that they didn’t have to depend on normal post deliveries. “As soon as you post them, they magically come to me immediately,” he said.
Magic. The theme of the evening. Oh yes, and the Cadbury's Roses ...


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