Saturday, November 19, 2022

Cliona gets climate action Outstanding Achievement award

Cliona Kelliher and Sadhbh O'Sullivan.

Kilcullen's Cliona Kelliher is one of two Kildare women who were given Climate Ambassador Outstanding Achievement awards last night, writes Brian Byrne. The other was Sadhbh O'Sullivan and the two were among 12 such awardees for 'exemplary work' carried out during the year.
Cliona writes articles on sustainable living and has organised a biodiversity walk and survey in Kilcullen. She volunteers with Irish Peatland Conservation in Lullymore and takes part in the National Spring Clean. She has also given climate change presentations to TY students and has co-organised the Kildare Climate Action Weekend.
Sive has talked about climate change on the Panti Bliss podcast and on local radio. She facilitates workshops on nature and creative writing for wellbeing. As a musician, she performs environmental songs and talks about climate action, and is also active on social media encouraging sustainability.
Climate Ambassadors — 191 people were chosen to be ambassadors in 2022 — receive training in climate science, solutions and communications, and are asked to undertake two climate communications and two climate actions, though many participants get involved in many more projects.

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