Busy weekend upcoming in Kilcullen
Today is the opening of applications for the 2023/2024 year First Year students at Cross & Passion College.
A Book Sale in aid of the Kildare West Wicklow SPCA is taking place today and tomorrow in Kilcullen Heritage Centre, from 11am-4pm each day.
Tonight is the annual Jimmy's Gig in The Spout Bar, in aid of cancer support and remembering the work of the late Jimmy Aspell in raising funds for the same cause. Music from 9pm, tickets at the door.
Residents of Cnoc na Greine will be running a flower bulbs planting through the estate from 2pm tomorrow.
A cheque of the proceeds from the 2022 Mac & Norman Run will be presented to a representative of the Irish Cancer Society tomorrow night, in Walls of Kilgowan. Music by Sister Act and a raffle.
The Narraghmore Pink Run is on Sunday from The Old Hardware, in aid of breast cancer research and support. Starting at midday.
The Diary's Calendar of Kilcullen events is here — if you or your organisation has an event, email kilcullendiary@gmail.com.
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