Tuesday, September 20, 2022

'You spoke, we listened' — new GAA project

The biggest ask from respondents to a recent survey by Kilcullen GAA’s Development Committee was more pitches, those present at Sunday's plan reveal heard, writes Brian Byrne.
Next up was a better clubhouse, followed significantly down the table by the provision of a gym, improved club access, and a range of requests gathered under the term ‘other’.

“You spoke, we listened,” the committee’s chairman Martin Murphy said as he went through the presentation of the plans for the extra eight acres which the club acquired from Kildare County Council in 2019.
Changes to the clubhouse have already been implemented, notably the access to and visibility from the premises with four new wide glass doors. A big spruce up by club members volunteers and supporters also took place recently, and there’s a startling black and white mural on the end wall facing the car park that gets visitors right into the ‘Rags’ mood.

The next step in the development plan is to apply for planning permission for the three new pitches, new car park, cycle-walkway, and Skills Arena. If all goes without a hitch, work could start next April.
Financing for the €980,000 project will come from sports capital grants, government departmental grants, a Croke Park loan, the yearly County Board Car Draw, an annual Road Race, a 'Kilcullen Abú' sponsored wall, corporate sponsorship and donations.

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