Thursday, August 04, 2022

Extra funding for libraries announced

Photo: Element5 Digital via Pexels.

Libraries in Kildare are to receive extra funding to support and encourage use by children, the elderly, people with disabilities and from marginalised and disadvantaged communities, writes Brian Byrne.
The €11,008 allocated to Kildare is part of €700,000 to be provided nationally from the 2022 Dormant Accounts Action Plan. It is in addition to over €3.1m announced recently for major expansion of the My Open Library scheme which offers extended open hours, using a mix of staffed and unstaffed self-service hours to registered users,
Under three elements to be implemented in the Kildare Library Service, students in DEIS schools will receive an introduction to fast fashion — what it is, what effect it has on our environment and society. Also a sensory cubby space will offer a safe space in Kildare libraries for all ages and in particular for those with autism, sensory difficulties, and dementia.  
In addition under a LOTE (Languages other Than English) programme, a two-year subscription will be available for digital book/audiobook resources in many languages with English translation. Titles in Ukrainian and Russian will be available to benefit refugees arriving into Kildare.
The funding has been welcomed by Kildare-based Minister of State Martin Heydon, who said that while the amount 'is small in nature, it will have a big impact' in terms of improving people's lives.

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