Sunday, June 05, 2022

Next stage of Market Square project for councillors' meeting

An impression of the proposal from The Paul Hogarth Company.

The Chief Executive's Report on the Part 8 process for Kilcullen's Market Square redevelopment will be considered by councillors of the Kildare-Newbridge MD meeting on Wednesday 15 June, writes Brian Byrne
The Report has been compiled following the recent public consultation on the proposals for the square, and the meeting will consider approval, modification or refusal of the contents. There were 27 submissions from Kilcullen residents, businesses, and other groups. 
The proposed works will include footpath widening and resurfacing, resurfacing the riverside walkway and providing LED lighting, upgrading street furniture and lighting to include a multi-functional lighting column in the square, resurfacing the square and providing new stepped access from Main Street.
The plan also proposes upgrading the stepped access to the riverside walkway from Market Square, planting trees, removing parking spaces from the square and formalising on-street parking along Main Street.
Funding still has to be found for the project, which has been costed at €1.3 million. There is €200,000 in hand from a 2018 grant from the Town and Village Renewal Scheme.
Pending approval and the availability of funding, a timeline date for completion of the project is currently estimated as Q3 2023.
READ: All the Diary's reports on this project are here.

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