A joyful end to Drama Dynamics year
The return to 'live' classes at the Drama Dynamics School of Speech & Drama after two years of pandemic disruption culminated recently in a visibly happy end of year show in Kilcullen Community Centre, writes Brian Byrne.
You could see it both in the face of the school's owner, Evelyn O'Sullivan, and the smiles of around 100 children who took to the stage for the presentation of certificates along with selected presentations of poetry, drama, song and mime. There were also acting improvisations to help entertain the proud parents present.
The event was a reflection of how things have changed even since the resumption of live classes last September, which Evelyn recalls as somewhat sombre. "Everyone was still wearing masks then. I noticed that the children were much quieter than would have been usual before the pandemic. There was almost a shield around them — the masks weren't just on their faces ... there was a lack of social connection with them, I think."
And even when the masks came off after Christmas, she says it took a while for them to just become themselves. "They were almost reluctant to talk, it was awful. It was only towards the end of the school year that the smiles started to return. So it did take from September to May for them to become themselves again. For many of them, it was their first time on stage at the end of year show, and they did so well ... I just really wanted them to get on that stage."
During the pandemic, Evelyn had to give up her rented studio space in Kilcullen which had been the headquarters for the wide range of Drama Dynamics activities, both with children and those attending adult acting classes. But the relocation to the Kilcullen Community Centre has in fact worked out really well. "I couldn't thank manager Enda O'Neill and his staff for all they have done to help us. We go in and everything is set up, and they couldn't be nicer."
Several of the students received certificates for their results in the Royal Irish Academy of Music exams, and those not doing exams were presented with Drama Dynamiocs certificates. Emma Barber won the Laura Dineen Perpetual Trophy and Finn Clark was awarded the Seán Twohig Perpetual Trophy. They both received distinction in their grade exams, Emma achieving 91 marks in Grade 8 and Finn getting distinction marks in Preliminary Grade.
The use of the centre's main hall for the end of year show also worked out brilliantly, following the very successful Cross and Passion College TY annual musical's staging there. "There was so much space, I didn't have to worry about seating, there was so much room for the kids to go up and down, it just could not have been better — it was ideal. And I think the shows are bring the centre more into the community as well."
Evelyn established Drama Dynamics back in 2005, soon after moving to Kilcullen. Since then, with school plays and plays and performances by child and adult pupils, the Teen Theatre initiatives, as well as directing in the local schools, she has been involved in well over 50 productions since.
NOTE: This article was previously published online in The Kildare Nationalist.
NOTE: This article was previously published online in The Kildare Nationalist.
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