Saturday, May 07, 2022

Buzz at the Treasure Town show

There's a buzz at the Community Centre this morning as the Treasure Town sustainability and circular economy show attracts attention, writes Brian Byrne.
At the event organised by Kilcullen Community 4 Climate Action folk you can get your neglected rothar some TLC for free, as well as shifting and sourcing some new garden treasures at the Plant Swap stand.
There are also books and other materials related to plant and animal life, which will fit nicely with the biodiversity talks that are part of the programme, which runs until 3pm.
Inside, Roza Konieczna from Roza's Alterations is giving tips on sewing to an appreciative audience, and ther's a rack of pre-owned clothing that's also popular.
Some bric a brac too, worth a swap to someone, and coffee and cakes from the Coffee Hatch.
And that buzz ... of conversation and appreciation of the warm sun on a day better than might have been expected weatherwise.

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