Thursday, April 21, 2022

Kilcullen Drama Group in fine comedic fettle with 'Gabriel'

It may have been that it felt so great to play before an audience after two years of pandemic 'dark', but there was a real effervescence about last night's preview opening of 'The Two Loves of Gabriel Foley', writes Brian Byrne.
The invited preview audience were treated to a classic Kilcullen Drama Group rendition of a good comedic play, written by Jimmy Keary, directed by Eilis Phillips who also played one of the eight hilarious and well-drawn characters. Longtime director John Martin added his half-century of experience in the production.

The cast includes several 'old reliables' in Maurice O'Mahony, Gerry O'Donoghue, Vivian Clarke, Esther Reddy and Catherine Poufong. As would be expected, they embraced their respective roles with aplomb and enthusiasm, especially as the plot required that several of them embrace each other in pre-pandemic style. Young Harry Murphy performs a very good reflection of his family's long involvement in Kilcullen amateur drama. 

Newcomer Fiona Kelly Walsh excels in a 'man-eating' role honed on her character's three previous husbands, all divorced.

Would Gerry O'Donoghue's Gabriel be snatched by the predatory Hazel from the willing arms of the true love Chrissie he hadn't yet recognised as 'Miss Right'?

Well, I can't tell you, as the Diary had to leave at the intermission. But we will catch up with the rest of it before the weekend. Because it's absolutely hilarious.
The play continues tonight, tomorrow's Gala evening in aid of Pieta, and on Saturday. And at the end of next week. As they say, not to be missed. Booking at Berney Chemists.

All last night's pictures are here. And some of those who came to enjoy a great night are pictured below.

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