Friday, April 22, 2022

Dun Ailinne archaeology explained in story map

If all the talk about Dun Ailinne is still something of a mystery to you, archaeologist Zenobie Garrett has just published a story map of the archaeological work carried out there over more than 50 years, writes Brian Byrne
In a very easy to understand and navigate web production, she provides an introduction, brings readers through the 1968-1975 excavations, and then steps forward to the geophysical survey and remote sensing investigations between 2006-2008.
From there we are brought up to the present day excavations carried out during the summer — the team is coming back agains in June — and there's a summary of what it all might have been like at the site's busiest times from the Stone Age through Iron and Bronze eras. All nicely illustrated with photos, videos, and some computer-generated graphics developed from the results of the digs and surveys.
It's not that long a read, and puts us right in the centre of the Dun Ailinne picture.
Zenobie is one of the team which has been carrying out the modern-day work on the site.
Note: Dun Ailinne is part of a working farm and access is not available without permission from the landowner.

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