Tuesday, February 08, 2022

Kilcullen has 'active interest' in sustainability and environment

Interest in Kilcullen about sustainability and environment, and making the town a better place for future generations, is more 'active' than in many other comparable communities, writes Brian Byrne.

That's the view of consultants working on a Design Statement for the town's future direction. "We don't necessarily come across such activity in other towns," says James Hennessy of The Paul Hogarth Company. "So it feels there is something here where there's a potential to grow it, and to really excel nationally."

The consultants are working for Kilcullen Community Action, and Future Proofing and Sustainability is one of the key themes of next Saturday morning's workshops session in the Town Hall.

There is a variety of initiatives in this area currently under way in Kilcullen, including the KCA Biodiversity Plan, the Kilcullen Sustainable Energy Community project, work in progress by Kilcullen Community 4 Climate Action, and the Market Square redesign plan which will involve changes to traffic and parking management.

"The Design Statement needs to be about what is already happening in Kilcullen as well as the town's future," says James Hennessy'. "So it is an opportunity to reflect on these current things and see how they can be developed."

The interest in this area was one of the aspects that came up in the public survey conducted last November. "People are aware of these things, and they are talking about it, which is reassuring. We now have to respond to that."

Saturday's workshops in the Town Hall will run from 10am-1pm, on a drop-in basis for anyone who wants to listen or have their own say. The other themes are Infrastructure and Linkages, Heritage and Natural Assets, and Recreation for All.

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