Saturday, November 06, 2021

It Says in The Bridge: November 2021

The mood is positive on the lead headline of this issue, proclaiming it is a 'good time' to be looking at the future of Kilcullen, writes Brian Byrne.

The story details the recent visit of the new consultants on the Kilcullen Design Statement project, which will proceed apace now, beginning with surveys of Kilcullen residents, businesses, and local organisations on what their visions are of Kilcullen in decades and more to come.

The future of young women graduates from CPC as pioneers in STEM disciplines is part of the centre spread this month, recounting the launch of the Tess Lambe Bursary Fund. Nicholastown-raised Professor Tess Lambe, a key member of the AstraZeneca Vaccine team, was the primary speaker at the event in the Town Hall, via Zoom. Also in centre colour is Gina McAllister leaving The Elms Montessori School after 17 years, during which she played her own part in the formation of Kilcullen's young people of today.

There's quite a bit of CPC news in this Bridge, with our reporter Aideen Stein updating us on the progress of this year's TY Musical, Dirty Dancing, as well as highlighting the school's involvement in the annual Shoebox Appeal to make Christmas a little better for children in less well-off countries than Ireland. And a feature on Elliott Cass's recent involvement at EU Commission level, speaking up for young people's mental health, is yet another sign that Ireland's future will be in good hands.

Other features this month include a 'Child's Play' piece from Triona Gunning, taking the premise that such play is much more than it seems. Mary Orford muses on November as the month of remembrance, taking Kilcullen men's involvement in WW1 as her focus. Sean Landers is looking back further at 'Starvation in Kilcullen', in the not-so-good-at-all old days. And Julie Felsbergs brings some spiritual thoughts and travel insights from a visit to Lithuania.

In news there's the welcome planned return to active service of the First Responders Group, suspended since the start of the pandemic. Also a good report from Fifth Class Holly at Scoil Bhride on a two-day Cycle Safety Course organised by our local Gardai. KCA's work through the month is outlined as usual. And much more, with all the regular slots.

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