Sunday, October 31, 2021

Kilcullen First Responders to relaunch

Kilcullen First Responders are planning to relaunch before Christmas, traditionally a busy time for responder groups. The group was formed in November 2019 but was stood down in March 2020 due to the pandemic.

Training will recommence on Sunday 28 November, and new volunteers who want to be a responder or part of the background committee will be very welcome.  Email for further information.

Some facts about First Responders: 
Early defibrillation (shock with an AED) gives you the greatest chance of surviving a cardiac arrest. 
In 2019 the National Ambulance Service reported that in 84% of cardiac arrests resuscitation was initiated by bystanders in the community. Remember, time to defibrillation is key. 
In December 2019 there were 266 Community First Responder (CFR) groups linked with NAS and there was approximately 1,800 AEDs identified to National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC). The CFR group members are predominantly made up of lay people with an interest in providing life-saving support in their communities and receive training prior to activation from the NAS National Emergency Operations Centre. The CFR groups operate on a voluntary basis and are trained in basic life support and the use of defibrillators. They are co-ordinated locally by volunteers, work under the auspices of the National Ambulance Service policy and are dispatched by ambulance control. Each county in Ireland have at least one CFR group.

What does a first responder do? 
There is extensive training prior to going on-call for the group and when you do go on call you work as a buddy with another responder. The night you are on-call you will receive an alert from the National Ambulance Service on the responder phone to advise that a call has come from Kilcullen or the surrounding four-mile area. You will be advised of the condition of the person who is in trouble and then sent the address to attend. There you will meet your buddy and being assessment and commence the necessary treatment while awaiting the ambulance service to arrive. When the ambulance arrives, they will take over and then you debrief the responder coordinator the next day. This is very rewarding work, and it enables people in our community to receive early defibrillation in the case of a cardiac arrest without delay. 

Some quotes from our current responders
‘It is great to give back to the people of Kilcullen after they have done so much to my family’
‘It is nice to be part of something in the town’

It is a great group to be part of and while it is a serious role, the group also has great craic (pre pandemic this was an Irish term for fun). Brian Redmond from Dancing with the Stars even joined us to celebrate our initial launch!

The group is fully compliant with all COVID restrictions and full PPE is provided.

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