Friday, August 06, 2021

Kilsaran appeals refusal of permission to extend quarry

A refusal of permission to Kilsaran to extend the Ballysax Hills quarry has been appealed to An Bord Pleanala, writes Brian Byrne.

The primary reason for the refusal by Kildare County Council was related to the quarry's proximity to Dun Ailinne, described as a site of 'significant archaeological interest'. The Council's planners said the importance and setting of the hillfort would be negatively impacted by the project 'to a significant degree'.

The refusal noted that any extension would 'seriously injure the visual amenity of the area' and would 'disrupt the visual integrity of the historical setting' of Dun Ailinne, which is included on a Tentative List submitted to UNESCO for nomination to the World Heritage List.

In response to the news of the appeal, the Ballyshannon Action Group which is seeking a Judicial Review of a recent ABP granting of permission at Racefiled in their area said they 'are not surprised' Kilsaran are appealing this decision. "They have a foothold in this area now and have no plans to stop quarrying around Kilcullen," a spokesperson said, "which is all the more reason for us to react with a strong community response.”

The Ballyshannon Action group notes that Kilsaran made 11 applications for planning permission to Kildare County Council in the last three years. "Eight of these were to develop or extend quarry sites within an 8km radius of Kilcullen. Only one of the five appeals taken by Kilsaran to ABP since 2016, re cases in Co Kildare, was unsuccessful."

The group is seeking public support to fund its appeal against the Racefield decision. 

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