Thursday, July 01, 2021

Continuing 'no-show' problem on 130 bus service

The 7.17am Go-Ahead Ireland 130 bus service through Kilcullen was again cancelled this morning over 'Covid issues', writes Brian Byrne.

This has been a very frequent occurrence in recent weeks, with many travellers being left at the stop with no way of getting to work.

A spokesperson for Go-Ahead Ireland told the Diary this morning that the service had been cancelled when a driver called in with a Covid-related issue, and couldn't be replaced. This is the same reason given previously when the service failed to arrive.

"We have a lot of staff shortages at the moment and we couldn't get another driver to fill in," the spokesperson said, adding that she understood the frustration of customers. "We do put out notices of cancellations on our Twitter account so that they won't be standing around waiting."

She also said the same issue is also affecting other routes serviced by Go-Ahead.

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