Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Fees waived for outdoor dining facilities licences

Following strong representations by Minister of State Martin Heydon TD on fees for licences for outdoor dining, the Government has agreed that such fees will be waived for this year, writes Brian Byrne.

"The waiver of fees associated with a section 254 licence has been confirmed," Minister Heydon said this evening, adding that it will be a boost for local Kildare business who are getting set up for outdoor dining.

It follows the announcement of support for businesses who want to set up outdoor dining facilities when easing of Covid-19 restrictions allow.

"My colleague Cllr Tracey O’Dwyer has also received confirmation from Kildare County Council that applications for such licences will be prioritised," the Minister said. "Outdoor summer dining will offer some respite to Kildare businesses as they navigate through these unprecedented times."

Tonight, Cllr O'Dwyer said extra staff have been allocated to County Kildare's Planning Department during the last few months, and she believes the resources are there to deal quickly with applications.

Acknowledging that the outdoor dining option may put some restaurants and cafes at a disadvantage because there may not be space outside their promises, she suggested that there may be scope to provide dining space in nearby public areas, which could be investigated.

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