Monday, April 05, 2021

Easter Colouring Competition winners

The winners of the Easter Colouring Competition in the Valley have been selected. The 1st prize (above) has been awarded to Olivia Baryla, age 6.

The 2nd prize is awarded to Belle Condron, age 9.

The 3rd prize is awarded to Meabh Nash, age 7, Sunbury Close.

The 4th prize  is awarded to Cian Mallon, age 7, Logstown.

Over 60 entries were submitted and the organisers decided to add a 4th prize of an Easter egg and €20. The first three winners will receive Book Tokens for Woodbine Books along with Easter eggs. "It was very difficult to pick the winners as we had so many beautiful paintings to go through," says Antoinette Buckley of Kilcullen Community Action. "Congratulations to the winners and well done."

It is hoped to find a unit in town where the entries can be displayed.
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