Tuesday, March 02, 2021

Take a story on your walk

If you like to listen to stuff on your headphones while walking, writes Brian Byrne, you should tune in to four new audio dramatic stories produced by husband and wife team Richard Lennon and Roseanne Lynch.

Under the banner of their Darn Skippy Productions, the duo tell stories in theatre, film and music, and in this case it's a collection called Storywalks. Each story is inspired by a different place in County Kildare.

They are designed to be experienced outdoors, and they have been produced as part of Healthy Ireland and Kildare County Council’s Keep Well campaign. And they are free. Access to them is available here.

You will need a smartphone or tablet, a pair of earphones, and your walking shoes. The stories are between 8-12mins long. And are compelling.

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