Monday, March 22, 2021

Latest AstraZeneca data 'adds to wealth of knowledge': Prof Teresa Lambe

New data from the US from clinical trials of the AstraZeneca 'adds to the depth and wealth of knowledge' about how the vaccine works, writes Brian Byrne.

That was how Professor Teresa Lambe, originally from Kilcullen and one of the leading scientists in the vaccine's development, described the news this morning.

She told Claire Byrne on RTE Radio 1 that the information now puts the company in a 'very good position' to submit all the needed documentation to the US Food and Drugs Administration for approval of its use there.

An important element of the US trials — undertaken in the US, Chile and Peru — was that 20pc of the people taking part were over the age of 65.

Asked what her view was when a number of countries, including Ireland, had paused use of the AstraZeneca vaccine, Prof Lambe said safety is the primary concern, and all accumulated data has to be looked at when it comes in. "But to be clear, the EMA, the WHO, and the MHRA have all said that the vaccine is safe and effective, and that we should continue to use it."

She said there had been no 'safety signals' during the vaccine rollout in the UK, 'but obviously when a vaccine is being rolled out to millions of people you can pick up rare events'. "It's really important to investigate those rare occurrences to see if they are vaccine related. And that's what the regulators have done."

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