Friday, October 02, 2020

Looking Back: Gordon Bennett Run in the late 70s

For our Looking Back series, here's a photograph I took in The Hideout around 1980, picturing Leslie Thorn, then President of the Irish Vintage and Veteran Car Club, writes Brian Byrne.

It was during one of the annual Gordon Bennett commemorative runs, and the frame of photographs disappeared after the sale of The Hideout in 1996. That's something I've always regretted, as they were a set of original postcards of the route, which were found in my grandfather's possessions after he died. They had been taken in advance of the race, for sale to enthusiasts at the event. Older Hideout patrons will remember that the frame was located in what was known as 'The Head Room' in the pub.

Leslie Thorn was English by birth but settled in Ireland and was a larger than life character with great good humour. He was President of the IVVCC from 1977-1980 and responsible for the formation of the '40s/'50s Section of the Club. He was also well known as a commentator for the Leinster Trophy Car Races held on the Wicklow Circuit.

(My thanks to Sean O'Gorman for retrieving the information on Leslie Thorn, who has passed away.)

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