Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Let the Council know your views on the Library Service

Kilcullen Community Library.
An online survey about services from the Kildare Library Service will close on Friday next, 11 September, writes Brian Byrne.

The feedback from the survey will inform the next Kildare Library Development Plan and has been in train since 28 August. It can be accessed here.

It is aimed at both users and non-users of the service, and all respondents will remain anonymous.

The organisers emphasise that all answers should reflect the usage before the arrival of Covid-19 and the restrictions that imposed.

The survey looks for age range or users, how important respondents feel the Library Service is in their community both generally and under a range of specific headings, and how important various kinds of events in local Libraries are.

There are sections also on Library assets for a range of uses including online and digital audio books, games, magazine, and local history archives.

Technology and spatial use of Libraries are also considered in the questions, as does how respondents hear about their Library activities and services.

It should take no more than two minutes to complete the questionnaire.

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