Monday, September 07, 2020

Kilcullen queries at next Kildare-Newbridge MD

Cllrs Power, O'Dwyer and McLoughlin Healy.
Kilcullen gets the attention of three councillors at the upcoming meeting of the Kildare-Newbridge MD, writes Brian Byrne.

Cllr Fiona McLoughlin Healy has put down a question seeking an update on the provision of a bus shelter in Kilcullen.

A motion from Cllr Tracey O'Dwyer is asking the Council for an update on the consideration of a Rates Relief Scheme through the Rate Act 2019, for businesses willing to occupy a vacant building in the town centres of Newbridge and Kilcullen.

And Cllr Rob Power's motion is asking for Council support of the Old Kilcullen Heritage Trail, and to work with local landowners to establish public rights of way.

The meeting is scheduled for 10am on Wednesday 16 September.

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