Scoil Bhride Senior Pods. |
Scoil Bhride in Kilcullen is ready to welcome back all their students,
writes Brian Byrne. There's been a lot of work going on at all levels, starting off with the arrangements of 'pods' for the different areas.
Juniors to First Class will have pods of 2-4 pupils, and 2nd-6th classes will be in pods of two students each.
Junior Pods. |
Hand sanitising station. |
Hand sanitisers are available at every entry point, as well as having two dispensers in each classroom. Paper towel dispensers have also been installed in every classroom.
Yard markings. |
New yard markings will enable social distancing when children are lining up at the end of the yard. There will be no lining up in the mornings in the first term. Support teachers will be on hand from 8.50-9.10am to guide children to their classes, where teachers will be waiting for them.
Play spaces. |
Each individual class will have its own play space during breaks — the red lines in the half-basketball picture here notes the edges of the sections. There will be no mixing of class bubbles, but everyone gets to play.
Thorough cleaning each day. |
In the classrooms after the school day, professional cleaners will thoroughly clean the tables and chairs every evening, and the floors will then be cleaned. This is in addition to regular cleaning using alcohol wipes during the day.
The school has also emailed all parents with full details of how the return will be handled.
(Information and photos from Scoil Bhride Twitter.)
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