Friday, July 24, 2020

Kildare Animal Foundation needs your help

Kildare Animal Foundation is running critically low on funds and desperately needs donations, writes Mary Travers. Because of the current situation with Covid-19, we are unable to carry out our usual fundraising activities — street collections are currently not permitted and we have had to postpone our annual open day. As a result funds are critically low.

The foundation takes in all kinds of sick, injured and neglected animals. At any one time there are over 100 animals being cared for by dedicated volunteers, who need your help.

No amount is too small, please consider donating whatever you can afford. You can donate to our GoFundMe campaign here, and find more information about the Foundation on our website and Facebook page.

Some stories of our animals

Darla's story
: I am old now. It was not a great home, but at least I had a home. I will never forget the day my owner took me for a drive. I had often wondered what it would be like to go in a car. We went a long way and then we stopped. I did not understand why he was dragging me out of this place. Then he drove off without me. The people here say I can stay forever, but I would love to live with a loving family, even just for a short while before I die.

Arthur’s Story: 
I tried to be a good dog. My owner was kind and good to me. We went everywhere together. Then my owner went into hospital and did not come home.
 I am waiting here with a broken heart and not a familiar face in sight.

Snowy’s Story: 
Snowy had a home for six years. The family took her at eight weeks old. Due to the housing crisis Snowy was homeless through no fault of her own and came to our shelter. She has made the best of living here with other cats but she is always to be found in her secret hideaways.

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