Friday, July 24, 2020

A letter from the Bridge Community to Kilcullen

A letter from all at Bridge Camphill has been posted in the windows of An Tearmann, in a 'Hello to our loyal customers and supportive local community', writes Brian Byrne. Signed by Siodhna and Sarah, the letter expresses the hope that everyone and their loved ones in Kilcullen are keeping well in these difficult times.

They write that the community has remained Covid-free, something they are very proud of. As day attendees have not been able to enter the community since they closed the gates in March, they have kept in touch with them by phone and send out weekly activity packs to their homes. They are now meeting with them for regular walks and Covid-19 protocol training.

The sad death in March of Marion McKeon, a first-year trainee, was marked in June on her birthday with the purchase of a cherry tree which will be planted in the autumn when the day service returns. At the moment it can be seen from the bridge, by the mosaic.

Gardening, baking, cooking, cleaning and de-cluttering are all activities which have kept the community occupied since they retreated from public in March. "We did lots of lovely creative things, read and partook of our in-house book club, and had a barbecue or two," they write. "We kept fit by walking our nature trail, combined with various Daniel Craig/James Bond-like stretches including baked bean bicep curls."

The most recent fitness undertaking was an AOlympic Challenge devised the Kildare Sport Partnership and Padraig Healy. Ball-balancing, bowling, target-throwing and boxing were included, along with walking and running. Photos of those who completed the challenges are displayed in the windows of An Tearmann.

A virtual Women's Mini Marathon to be undertaken on the Nature Trail in the first 10 days of October will involve 16 laps of the Trail, and all women in Kilcullen are invited to take part, subject to any restrictions on social gatherings. Men in Kilcullen are invited to volunteer to help in a supportive role, including providing refreshments to the participants. "We don't know when our coffee shop and Nature Trail will be open to the public, but we are making a start on the training, utilising the excellent training plans available on the VHI Women's Mini Marathon website, and encourage you all to do the same."

The letter concludes by thanking all those who have been in touch over the weeks and months, enquiring after those in The Bridge Community. There are also thanks to the parents and families of the trainees for supporting with activity packs and photographs, and the parents of the residents working with the community and its Covid protocols.

"Our best wishes to our local suppliers and businesses. We hope to take our place with them in due course as a contributor to the economic and social life of the town."

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