Thursday, June 25, 2020

Notice from Kilcullen & Gormanstown Parish

The Parish Office is open from 10am until 1pm, Monday to Friday. It will resume normal opening hours in due course.

Fr Mackey has blessed the graves in New Abbey, St Brigids, Gormanstown, and Old Kilcullen Cemeteries. We may be able to have community blessings later on.

Plans are underway for the re-opening of the Churches (Kilcullen & Gormanstown) for masses to the public. We are hoping that we will be ready to have mass in Kilcullen towards the end of next week. We will announce at morning mass when this is happening.

Under the current government regulations, the maximum capacity for the Saturday evening vigil mass and the Sunday morning mass in Kilcullen Church is 50 people. The maximum for Gormanstown Church is 30 people.

The obligation to attend Mass on Sundays (Vigil or morning) is suspended. People can attend mass any day during the week and that will fulfil their Sunday obligation.

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