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Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Looking Back: Were you at Dublin Airport?

This looks like a school outing in the mid-1950s, with Fr Collier CC and Paddy Byrne NT, to Dublin Airport, from Nessa Dunlea's collection of photos and clippings, writes Brian Byrne.

Imagine trying to get a shot like this at Dublin Airport of today, beside the tarmac with a plane in the background, posed with aircrew?

Aer Lingus operated Douglas DC-3s from 1940 until 1964. The plane was the equivalent 'workhorse' aircraft as today's Boeing 737 has been, though its maximum capacity was 32 passengers. Since there are 48 boys in the group, it is unlikely they were going flying anywhere.

Fr Collier served in Kilcullen from around 1953 until c1957 and in addition to his priestly duties he played football and hurling for Kilcullen, and also hurled for County Kildare. In 1972 he returned to Kilcullen to concelebrate mass at the centenary celebrations of Kilcullen Parish Church.

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