Friday, April 24, 2020

CPC appeal on behalf of local Vincent de Paul

This is a difficult time for many people and for some more difficult than others with added financial worries, writes Joe Leonard, Principal of Cross and Passion College. The CPC community has always given generously to various causes and would like at this time to support the work of our local SVP.

The idea is the brainchild of CPC teacher Ms Mills, who ran the idea by me and then got in contact with the SVP east region fundraising coordinator. They were delighted and hugely thankful that we would think of them and support their work at this time.

We set a target to raise €500 for SVP which will help out many families at this time. However, as I write to you we have already raised an amazing €830. We would be grateful if anybody from the wider CPC community or the local area could support this in any small way. If you can, please click the link here and donate whatever amount you can.

Beat the Virus: Stay At Home. 

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